I have been noticing more and more that beauty standards are becoming more prevalent in today's society. These sexual, sometimes provocative, images that the media portrays to the youth and adults of today to instill in their minds that this is the standard of people. That they should look like this and if they don't maybe they aren't people. All over we see advertisements with obviously fake people on it but we cant just ignore it because it is everywhere. In this post I will cover some beauty standards imposed on men and women alike and the pressures on both to achieve this level of beauty.

In modern day advertisements for clothing, cologne, sunglasses, almost anything, there is a half naked man with his shirt off. Almost always he has six pack abs and a clearly defined collar bone and muscles. He usually has extremely fine hair and a sharp jaw line to go along with it. This is one of few beauty standards for men. They are expected to be super suave or very rugged. One represents the sophistication of the modern day man. That he can take care of himself. The other represents a primal beast that takes nothing from no one, at least that's what they want people to think.
In reality it lowers other men's self esteem not only because they aren't like these men by physical standards, but it also challenges their sense of manhood and dominance. This challenge of ideals can cause some men to just feel inadaquite to the others. That they aren't as much of a "man" as them.

Women, from a young age, are bombarded with subliminal messages and standards of how women should be. They dont have a stupid " sense of manhood" like men do so they usually are more adept to whats going on. But if it happens from birth, it is the norm. For women, the beauty standard is thin, big boobs, big rear end, tan, pretty (caked in make up) and apparantly pose for everyone. But seriously, this is a little unreal here. Its especially concerning when young ladies actually strive for these things thinking that people will like her more if she was that person. That her false beauty would over shadow the years of self doubt and feelings of inadequacy. So in turn, she would look down upon other ladies who have not taken the road she has and some even shame them. This would cause possibly a lifetime of depression due to this standard that is in place. In my opinion, women's beauty standards are not only more rough than mens but also more widespread. For a man to get attractive, sometimes all he needs is a gym membership and a fresh haircut. Even the men who dont exercise dont get shamed by the men that do. This is the problem with beauty standards and why they should go away, but most likely never will.