Thursday, April 2, 2015

Old Spice Odor Blocker Body Wash

Old Spice Odor Blocker Body Wash seems to be targeting men as most Old Spice products are intended for men. In these commercials we see actor Terry Crews yelling about what this body wash is. He is a ripped man with giant muscles yelling about how this stuff blocks odor for 16 hours. If this commercial doesnt scream hypermasculinity I don't know what does. He destroys buildings, rides tigers, makes his muscles dance and even makes them play musical instriments in on advert. I believe the purpose of this advertisment is to show that being clean is being extreme.
This is a positive example of using masculinity to an advantage. I understand they are trying to sell a product to make profit but think of it in a different way as well. I'd rather people walk around not smelling than for this to not exist. Sometimes I fell people look too in depth with certain topics and just should have fun. These commercials, in my opinion, were made to make fun of the hypermasculine cologne adverts. They are a fun commercial to laugh at and to quote. They are very creative too. Though I can atest that the body wash does not last that long through physical exercise and strenous activities such as hiking and running. I understand why people get upset by the beauty standards of society as seen in my last post but I am glad that one company can put a commercials that are fun, funny and informative at the same time. I feel that other companies should try a similar method to not focus on physical appearance but to appeal to the audiences other senses such as comedy. People remember funny and different things longer than they do the same old boring advertisments again and again.

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely agree with majority this blog post. I do in fact believe that majority of commercials appeal to physical senses such as stereotypes as to how a male or female should look. In a way, this commercial does in fact appeal to a physical standard in which a male is supposed to meet. However, I do not believe that this was the commercial writer's intent. I believe that these commercials are hilarious and appeal mainly to your sense of humor and not your sense of self esteem. This commercial contains so much more than masculinity at its weakest points. In my opinion, Old spice is attempting to demonstrate extremely vigorous tasks that they are able to mask the odors of. The extremely "masculine" tasks that actor Terry Crews is performing May most definitely cause body odor from sweat etc. I see that this commercial is simply saying that they are stronger than the odors created by performing vigorous tasks.
